Today my husband partnered with another pastor and officiated the funeral of one of our dearest friends from the last 7 years. Jeri Boger. She was an amazing woman. She died Tuesday at the age of 88, but fortunately she was a Christian, so dying for her was just moving day. She moved out of this world and into the presence of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ our Saviour. How wonderful could that be? And you know, the even more wonderful thing about it was we truly gathered for a celebration of her life, not a mourning of her death! Her kids were happy and talking about how their mother was probably once again standing up right (she had been in a wheelchair in the nursing home for 7 years since a horrible car accident put her there). They figured she was probably preparing a meal in heaven for many folks as cooking was one of her favorite things to do. This sweet woman, graduated from college with a degree in music in the 1980s, and even was in the college marching band with her French horn! Can you believe that! She was a very inspiring woman, and not once, in the 7 years that I knew her, did I ever hear her complain about anything. Jeri was such a settled person. She knew what she wanted in life and she went and got it and she knew where she was going after life on this planet, and she was not afraid to go. In fact, she was VERY ready. She could quote scripture and she could sing the hymns and it was plain to see, she loved her Lord. She's with him now and I just know that Jeri is happier than she has ever been.
My wish for everyone that reads my blog is that you too could be that happy. You can you know! If you will just ask the Lord for forgiveness of your sins, tell him you know he died to save you and that you are a sinner, and you need his forgiveness, and that you want him to be the Saviour and master of your life. He will do it! He will take away your sins, he will save you, and when you die, you will go to heaven where you will meet my friend, Jeri! And someday, I'll be there and we can talk, and you can tell me that you read it on my blog!
Don't wait folks, if you have a question as to whether or not you are saved, settle the question tonight or today, whatever time you are reading this. Get saved and know that you are forever saved after that one time. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man, pluck them out of my hand!" "He who hath the Son, Hath Life"! Not will have, not may have, not might have, not could have, not should have, BUT HATH! Already! Once saved, always saved, and you can never change it! It is a signed, sealed, and delivered fact.
Please, for your peace of mind and for your family's peace of mind, ask him to be your Saviour. I have never heard anyone say they regretted being saved!
The Bible says today is the day of salvation. You may not have a tomorrow. Why wait?
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